This stage offers opportunity to assemble the Client's needs that could be potential projects...
We believe in complete and concise documentation for all project undertaking...
Implementation takes place after the award of contracts to selected candidates...


Our role in assisting the client in Conceptualization takes place in the following stages:

Conception & Initiation

This stage offers opportunity to assemble the Client’s needs that could be potential projects; we analyze and select the best opportunity for serious study. This is the time to articulate that best opportunity in terms of big picture, vision and benefit. Our expertise is tapped through consultation and utilization our data bank on historical figures at this initial stage (without formal engagement via establishment of contract) to enable the client to gain a perspective into possible or potential undertaking. Our opinion and resources on historical examples allow the client to gain further insights.

Planning & Feasibility

In this phase the project perimeter is developed by studying and testing alternatives and conducting feasibility studies. The product is will be a combination of the Client’s brief and external as will as internal limitations. Planning is underway with our role in consolidating the Client’s resources that will allow feasibility studies into realizing the maximum potential within means.

Definition & Design

Establishing a project perimeter allows embarkation into this phase of Design and Specifications. We represent our Client in formal engagement of Relevant Consultants and Specialists forming the Design Consultant Team managed by us for the purposes of Concurrent Design, Design Co-ordination, Evaluation and Consolidation. We ‘crunch’ data coming in from various sources for the purpose of Finalizing Design, Development of Detail Plan and Drafting of Contract Document. We further serve to conduct tender exercises and assist in evaluation of tenders.